Appeal against a refusal of retrospective planning permission for a single-storey rear extension

Appeal Allowed (Retrospective Planning Permission Granted) on 22 May 2024.

Retrospective planning application

9 Caddis Close,

Council: London Borough of Harrow

Even the smallest extensions can be controversial! 

In this case, the homeowner had obtained permission for extensions to his house in Harrow, and had built them out.

However, he had also built an additional, very small extension, infilling an open, storage area beneath some steps down to his garden.

His neighbours, who were mostly upset about disruption from the building works in general rather than the extra extension in particular, complained to the council, who threatened enforcement action.

On our advice, he submitted a retrospective planning application.

The extension was so small and we could not see at all how it could be said to look out of place or harm neighbours, so we were very disappointed when the council refused the application. 

We immediately took the decision to appeal and were delighted (and not at all surprised) when the inspector allowed the appeal and granted retrospective planning permission. 

If you are facing similar difficulties, do not hesitate to get in touch with our planners

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