Appeal against a refusal of prior approval for a larger home extension (6 metre rear extension)

Appeal Allowed (Prior Approval Granted) on 11 August 2023

redbridge appeal

324 Cranbrook Road,

Council: London Borough of Redbridge

We do a lot of appeals against refusal of prior approval for larger home extensions (single storey rear extensions to a house, extending to a depth of up to 6m (or 8m if the house is detached).

Even better, we have recently had a run of appeal successes! We had a success last week in Waltham Forest and another in Redbridge last month.

Councils tend to dislike these deeper extensions, believing that rear extensions should generally be no deeper than around 3m on a terraced or semi-detached house and 4m on a detached house. However, appeals inspectors tend to show more flexibility and we have a high success rate at appeal for these kinds of projects.

For more on the prior approval process for larger home extensions, check out the government’s guidance on the planning portal.

If you have been refused prior approval or planning permission, do not hesitate to get in touch for some free advice!

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