Appeal against a refusal of planning permission for a single-storey side and rear extension

Appeal Allowed (Full Planning Permission Granted) on 1 March 2024

Plumstead appeal

52 Bannockburn Road,
SE18 1EP

Council: London Borough of Greenwich

The simplest form of extension you can build is a single-storey rear extension. However, councils still like to refuse planning permission for them!

In this case, when the council refused permission, our client really had no choice but to submit an appeal, because he had already more or less completed the build and faced the possibility that the council might take enforcement action and require that it be demolished!

We were fairly confident that the appeal would be successful – the extension was low in height and just 2.75m deep.

The council had refused permission because it thought that the extension would harm neighbours’ living conditions in terms of a loss of light and outlook. 

In the appeal decision, the inspector concluded that the extension would rise just a little bit above the boundary fencing and that there was a gap to the neighbour that meant the extension would not cause any harm. 

If you are refused planning permission, it is important to consider a planning appeal. Sometimes, it is the only way to get consent for your proposal. 

If you are facing planning difficulties, get in touch with our team for some advice. 

For more advice on getting planning permission for extensions, read Martin Gaine’s How to Get Planning Permission

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