Appeal against a refusal of planning permission for a single-storey side and rear extension

Appeal Allowed (Full Planning Permission Granted) on 20 April 2024

Epping Forest appeal

16 Bracken Drive,

Council: Epping Forest District Council

Single-storey rear extensions are so popular because they allow homeowners to open out the back of their homes to create large, light-filled living spaces.

It is very common these days to build ground floor extensions projecting 6 metres back from the rear wall of the house. This maximises space.

Some are built through the prior approval process, using the neighbour consultation scheme, through which they become permitted development and do not need planning permission at all.

However, if you do need planning permission and it is refused, or if prior approval is refused, you should consider an appeal.

Some councils are bitterly opposed to deeper extensions. In the old days, the usual limit for a single-storey rear extension was 3 metres. Many councils still have planning guidance recommending that extensions are no deeper than this.

In this case, the council was not concerned so much that the extension would harm neighbours’ living conditions (by way of a loss of light, outlook or privacy) but that it would harm the character and appearance of the area. The council quoted its policy DM9 of the adopted Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 – 2013 in support of its position.

We were pleased that the inspector disagreed with the council, accepting that the extensions would not be particularly visible from the street and agreeing with our submissions that there were lots of similar extensions to houses in the surrounding area.

If you have had a similar refusal of planning permission, contact our lovely planners for some advice.

For general guidance on how to get permission for householder extensions, including advice on house permitted development works and how to win appeals and deal with enforcement problems, check out Martin Gaine’s book, How to Get Planning Permission.


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