In this case, our client wanted to transform an outbuilding in her rear garden into an annexe for her mother to live in.
The application was refused by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council who decided they thought the annexe would really be a separate, self-contained dwelling and that a new house would not be appropriate in this location.
We strongly disagreed with the council’s approach to the application – if an application is made for an annexe, it should be assessed as an annexe. The council should not be assessing a hypothetical alternative.
The appeal inspector agreed with us that this would not be a separate dwelling. It had no cooking facilities and there was a clear functional link to the main house. It would also under single ownership and occupied by a member of the appellant’s family.
We successfully argued that the proposed changes would not harm the area’s character and we showed the the proposal used sympathetic materials and had a proportionate design.
We addressed potential privacy concerns by proposing obscured glazing for specific windows and ensuring minimal overlooking of adjacent properties.
If you face a similar refusal of planning permission, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss an appeal.