Appeal against a refusal of planning permission for front, side and rear extensions and dormer roof extensions

Appeal Allowed (Full Planning Permission Granted) on 15 May 2023

spelthorne extensions

91 Maryland Way,
TW16 6HP

Council: Spelthorne Borough Council

Spelthorne Council is one of our busiest councils for appeals against refusal of planning permission for homeowner extensions. The council takes a very strict approach to applications and is quick to refuse anything that doesn’t fully comply with their guidance.

In this case, the extensions were mostly to the back and lots of houses in the area had been extended in various ways, but the council was concerned that the development would mean the loss of some of the distinctive character of the area’s ‘Berg’ style houses (the Berg estate).

We were delighted that the council agreed with us that the extensions were hidden away from public view, similar to many others visible from the appellants’ rear garden and complementary to the original design and appearance of the house.

If you have been refused planning permission for two-storey side extensions, or any kind of extension, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our lovely chartered planners.

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